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DRM/DRM+ Signal Generation Toolkit
The MAXEYE Technologies Signal Generation Toolkit is an ideal solution to test the receiver for different configurations and under different conditions. The toolkit can be used to completely test the receiver so as to characterize its performance during design, verification and manufacturing. The receiver's performance can be verified by analyzing BER at various stages (e.g. BER after demodulation, BER after inner decoding and BER after outer decoding).
In October 2017, MaxEye Technologies Pvt. Ltd, India has officially become a DRM Consortium Associate member. To read more, please visit the link:
MaxEye DRM/DRM+ Signal Generation Toolkit, based on standard ETSI 201 980 v4.1.1, offers test solution for designing, evaluating and manufacturing DRM equipment. DRM is the only global open digital radio system which can be used in all frequency bands (AM and VHF). The DRM standard is comprised of two major configurations. One configuration, termed as DRM30, is intended for broadcast on short, medium and long wave up to 30MHz and providing large coverage areas and low power consumption with better quality services. The configuration for the VHF bands above 30 MHz (including the FM band), termed as DRM+, is optimal for local and regional coverage.
MAXEYE Technologies provides generation functions in LabVIEW and C for generating the standard compliant signals for various digital audio and video broadcasting standards. The Soft Front Panel (SFP) allows engineer to quickly generate the signals by selecting appropriate generation mode and other configurations. The "Getting Started Guide" explains how to use the DRM/DRM+ Signal Generation Toolkit with programming examples and Soft Front Panel (MaxEye DRM/DRM+ Signal Generation) by using NI Vector Signal Generator (NI VSG), Vector Signal Transceiver (NI VST) and Universal Software Radio Peripheral (NI USRP). Remote mode allows user to control the MaxEye DRM/DRM+ Signal Generation Toolkit remotely using server application (LabVIEW or C) to generate signals. To read more on this, please refer "Getting Started Guide" document.
The following are the data services supported by the toolkit. The toolkit allows user to configure the complete set of parameters required for each feature.
MOT SlideShow is an application for devices that enables a Service Provider to provide a sequence of images for a Service. These may be used by the Service to visualize the audio being received.
For example:
Journaline is a text based information service for digital radio, optimized for simple data aggregation and re-use, as well as highly efficient broadcast transmission. The information is hierarchically organized based on menus. Every menu contains a list of sub-menus and/or messages. Messages carry one piece of information each.
EPGs are menu based information that keeps the radio listener continuously updated with the details (like schedule, genre, description, etc) of current programme and the upcoming programmes in his own channel or many other networks for several days ahead.
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